Zurich is committed to a Speak Up culture where employees experience an inclusive work environment, so that everyone feels comfortable in sharing their views and questions, but also where everyone feels safe and understands how to report Integrity Concerns.
We value open and transparent communication
At Zurich, we believe that open and honest dialogue is essential for a collaborative, inclusive and productive work environment. We are encouraged to communicate directly and openly with our colleagues and people managers about any issues or questions we may have.
As people managers, we actively seek input from our team members and create an environment where they feel comfortable to speak up (see chapter Leading by example).
For issues or questions related to our jobs or working conditions, while people managers are the first to engage with, we can also seek guidance from Human Resources. In the event of a performance-related issue, interpersonal conflict, workload challenge, compensation question and other similar issue, Human Resources can provide the necessary support and resources to help us navigate through these situations.
We speak up about Integrity Concerns
We speak up promptly when we have a good faith belief that any suspected or actual illegal, fraudulent, improper or unethical conduct (“Integrity Concerns”) has occurred. There are multiple channels to report Integrity Concerns, including people managers, Compliance, Human Resources and Legal.
The Zurich Ethics Line may also be used to report Integrity Concerns either via telephone or online via a web form. Reports to the Zurich Ethics Line can be made anonymously, but we know that we can safely disclose our identity as it will be treated confidentially on a strict “need-to-know” basis, and that Zurich does not tolerate retaliation (see below).
When submitting an Integrity Concern, we understand that we should provide as much information as possible. This is particularly important when submitting a complaint on an anonymous basis, as failure to provide details may hinder efforts to effectively investigate the issues presented.
Deliberately or knowingly providing false or misleading information when reporting an Integrity Concern, or in the course of an investigation, is not tolerated and can lead to disciplinary actions. However, we do not need to have evidence or be certain about something when reporting an Integrity Concern. We only need to report and provide information in good faith; in other words, with reasonable grounds to believe that the information reported was true at the time of reporting.
All Integrity Concerns are reviewed by a Triage Committee comprised of representatives from Compliance, Human Resources and Legal.
If the review of an Integrity Concern results in a determination of improper behavior, appropriate remediation will be undertaken. The potential consequences for individuals who engage in such improper behavior includes termination of employment, and/or the filing of criminal and/or civil charges.
Confidentiality and no tolerance for retaliation
Zurich treats all reports of Integrity Concerns confidentially on a strict “need-to-know basis”, including the identity of the person making a report, as well as the subject of the report and others who are part of an investigation.
Zurich does not tolerate retaliation, including threats and attempts of such, against any employee or other person reporting an Integrity Concern in good faith.
Protection against retaliation is also extended to those who assist in any investigation or provide information/evidence in the course of any investigation and, where applicable, to other persons.
We are all expected to read, understand and adhere to the provisions set forth in this Code. This Code is supplemented by other internal policies, some of which are referenced throughout this Code.