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Economic & Market Outlook

As a new year beckons, Zurich’s MSME team share views on how the year is likely to unfold region by region, the key issues to be overcome, and what investors should be prepared for.

Economic and Markets Outlook 2024

Skating on thin ice

Global growth is falling and is substantially below trend, yet 2023 has proven surprisingly resilient with the US economy managing to circumvent a much touted recession. Financial markets are embracing good news, not least of which has been plunging inflation, but cracks and fissures are increasingly evident in both economies and financial markets. With another war in the Middle East dragging on, the biting effects of elevated funding costs taking hold, and a year of critical elections ahead, risks abound – yet few are priced. While investors may be right in skating onwards against a perceived rose-tinted backdrop, we suspect that from a government, corporate and household perspective, challenges and volatility will prevail. Consequently, 2024 may be a year of skating on thin ice.

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In part 1 the MSME team members discuss their views and forecasts for the economic environment across regions in the year ahead and detail how they came to their conclusions.
In part 2 they share their thoughts on financial markets, focusing on regional and asset class variations expected in the year ahead.

    two people ice skating on a frozen lake

    Economic and Market Outlook 2024: Skating on thin ice

    Global growth is falling and is substantially below trend, yet 2023 has proven surprisingly resilient with the US economy managing to circumvent a much touted recession.

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