Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund
Support the move to a climate neutral economy with your investment in US corporate bonds – thanks to the fund’s low carbon investment strategy and carbon offsetting. Let’s make a positive impact together.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Prospectus of Zurich Invest ICAV and the Supplement of Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund and to the KIID/KID before making any final investment decisions. The Zurich Carbon Neutral USD Corporate Bond Fund is classified as an Article 8 product under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) and commits to have a minimum proportion of 15% of sustainable investments.
The funds described herein are indexed to an MSCI index.
What is the investment objective of the fund?
The Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund seeks to achieve a diversified portfolio of USD-denominated investment grade corporate bonds across developed markets using a passive management approach. In addition, the fund places particular emphasis on meeting its sustainability-related ambition which is expressed as follows:

Reduce the carbon footprint of its investments
By creating a portfolio of investments that is aligned with the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement. In addition, the estimated carbon footprint of the fund is offset with carbon credits.1
Focus on clean technology companies
By prioritizing investments in “green opportunities” – companies that are pioneering the clean technology solutions needed to tackle climate change.2
Avoid investments in controversial businesses
By excluding investments in companies whose products or services have a negative social or environmental impact. Examples include companies involved in weapons, gambling, or tobacco.
Move away from fossil fuel-linked companies
By no longer investing in companies in the fossil fuel sector. For example, companies involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas, coal, or consumable fuels.
Investing in the Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund may involve above average risk. Please see the “Key risks” section for further information. For more information on the disclosures required pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) please see www.carnegroup.com/zurich
1 After carbon offsetting, the companies you invest in still create CO2-equivalent emissions, but these financed emissions are being compensated for through carbon offsetting.
2 Clean technology companies derive large parts of their revenues from environmentally beneficial products and services. The applicable MSCI business categories are: alternative energy, energy efficiency, green building, pollution prevention, and sustainable water & agriculture.
What are the sustainability characteristics of the fund?
he attainment of the investment objective is measured by monitoring the fund’s key sustainability characteristics1 compared to a traditional investment in USD-denominated investment grade corporate bonds (MSCI USD IG Corporate Bond Index). Further details on the characteristics of the fund can be found by clicking on the tabs below.
Sources: MSCI, State Street. Data as of 31.12.2024.
1 Please refer to the glossary at the bottom of the page for a definition of each metric (carbon footprint, controversial business involvement, clean technology companies, fossil fuel sector companies).
2 After carbon offsetting, the companies you invest in still create 16 metric tons of scope 1+2 CO2-equivalent emissions per year per million dollars invested, but these financed emissions are being compensated for. Data as of 31.12.2024.
How has the fund performed historically?
The Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund has changed its benchmark on March 12, 2024. Since inception of the new benchmark, the fund has performed1 similarly to a traditional investment in USD-denominated investment grade corporate bonds (MSCI USD IG Corporate Bond Index).
Source: MSCI. Data as of 28.02.2025.
1 The performance shown is at benchmark level and, as a consequence, does not take into account the ongoing charges, and any entry, exit or switching charge associated with an investment in the fund. For share class level performance including ongoing charges and any other fees charged to the fund, please refer to the fund fact sheets available at: Zurich – Carne Group Financial Services. The benchmark index of the fund, MSCI USD IG ESG Climate Paris Aligned Corporate Bond Custom Index, was launched on March 12, 2024. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you originally invested.
Key risks
For more information on the risks associated with the Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund (the ‘Fund’), please see the section entitled ‘Risks Factors’ in the Prospectus of the ICAV and Supplement of the Fund and the Key Investor Information Document.
For details in respect of key investor rights, please refer to the prospectus of the Zurich Invest ICAV and the supplement of the Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund which can be obtained free of charge by all investors or potential investors on this website www.carnegroup.com/zurich.
Further, the impact of costs [and currency used to calculate them] of investing into the Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund are described in the offering documentation and key information document ('KID'), available on the following website www.carnegroup.com/zurich.
Investment decisions should only be made after a thorough reading of the current versions of the prospectus of the Zurich Invest ICAV, the supplement of the Zurich Carbon Neutral US Corporate Bond Fund and the latest key investor information document ('KIID') available at www.carnegroup.com/zurich.
For Swiss investors: The representative in Switzerland is FIRST INDEPENDENT FUND SERVICES AG, Zürich. The paying agent in Switzerland is NPB Neue Privat Bank AG, Zürich.
For German investors: The role of Facilities agent in Germany in accordance with section 309 para. 2 of the German Investment Code is undertaken by Carne Global Financial Services Limited, 3rd Floor, 55 Charlemont Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.
This fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”), any of its affiliates, any of its information providers or any other third party involved in, or related to, compiling, computing or creating any MSCI index (collectively, the “MSCI Parties”). The MSCI index names are service mark(s) of MSCI or its affiliates and have been licensed for use for certain purposes. None of the MSCI Parties makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the issuer or owners of this fund or any other person or entity regarding the advisability of investing in funds generally or in this fund particularly or the ability of any MSCI index to track corresponding stock market performance. MSCI or its affiliates are the licensors of certain trademarks, service marks and trade names and of the MSCI indexes which are determined, composed and calculated by MSCI without regard to this fund or the issuer or owners of this fund or any other person or entity. None of this MSCI Parties has any obligation to take the needs of the issuer or owners of this fund or any other person or entity into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the MSCI indexes. None of the MSCI Parties is responsible for or has participated in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of this fund to be issued or in the determination or calculation of the equation by or the consideration into which this fund is redeemable. Further, none of the MSCI Parties has any obligation or liability to the issuer or owners of this fund or any other person or entity in connection with the administration, marketing or offering of this fund. Although MSCI shall obtain information for inclusion in or for use in the calculation of the MSCI indexes from sources that MSCI considers reliable, none of the MSCI Parties warrants or guarantees the originality, accuracy and/or the completeness of any MSCI index or any data included therein. None of the MSCI Parties makes any warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by the issuer of the fund, owners of the fund, or any other person or entity, from the use of any MSCI index or any data included therein. None of the MSCI Parties shall have any liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions of or in connection with any MSCI index or any data included therein. Further, none of the MSCI Parties makes any express or implied warranties of any kind, and the MSCI Parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose, with respect to each MSCI index and any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall any of the MSCI Parties have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
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