two colleagues looking at their phone and tablet together

Employee Benefits Captive

Taking control of your risk strategy

Empower your multinational company with our Employee Benefits Captive solution, designed for those seeking increased control and flexibility in managing employee benefits risks. As an affiliate, a captive acts as a direct insurer or reinsurer within your group, enabling better risk-taking decisions and reducing the total cost of groupwide risk.

Our Employee Benefits Captive solution offers midsize to large multinationals the ability to reinsure their own risks while optimizing pricing and gaining greater level of flexibility in underwriting terms and conditions. It provides numerous benefits, including enhanced governance and financial control, support for corporate ESG strategies and customized benefit plan designs to attract and retain talent.

Our One Zurich holistic approach:

Consolidating your employee benefits related risks and non-life risks into a single captive can also provide tangible financial and non-financial benefits such as lowering the cost of risk, creating greater central control, or leveraging corporate purchasing power more effectively.

Interested in diversifying your portfolio or taking a holistic approach to captives?

Key benefits

Efficient data management

Gain insights into your employee benefits plan with quarterly reinsurance bordereau reporting, ensuring maximum transparency and informed decision-making.

Underwriting excellence & protection

We underwrite your risk according to your captive underwriting philosophy, providing protection against risks falling outside your appetite.

Cost management

Maximize pricing through active risk management, creating sustainability in your cost of risk, enhancing cash flow, and potential investment returns.

ESG support

Create a flexible underwriting framework to align with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies, accelerating the implementation of social initiatives.

Improved terms & conditions

Close gaps in your employee benefits plans by enhancing local free cover limits, removing policy exclusions, or customizing terms and conditions.

Minimum requirements:

  • Minimum annual premium of US$1,000,000.
  • Minimum premium per country of US$5,000.
smiling man talking on the phone

Contact us

Need assistance with our Employee Benefits Captive solution? We're here to help!

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