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Lélia and Sebastião Salgado

Our project

If we want to make a difference, we have to act now. In 2020, Zurich lent its support to a project in collaboration with Instituto Terra, a non-profit organization based in Brazil.

11 steps to growing a forest

Choose a location

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Plant the right trees in the right place, for the right reasons, giving nature space, too.

Create a forest development plan

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

A forest development plan ensures a project has clear and agreed objectives, meets local regulatory requirements and highlights possible opportunities and constraints.

Secure funding

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Creating forests takes careful consideration, planning and lots of stakeholder management, all which require funding, whether from grants, sponsors or personal sources.

Assemble a team of experts

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

You will need a team of experts with a huge variety of different skills to create healthy, multi-purpose forests that will endure for generations.

See the bigger picture

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Review geography, geology and weather patterns to understand which trees will grow best and how the forest will support biodiversity.

Nurture seedlings

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Choose the appropriate mix and quantity of seeds for the forest to ensure appropriate coverage and diversity and prepare them for planting.


Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Clear the area of weeds and other unwanted pests. Plant pioneer seeds to give good initial canopy coverage that will enable other seeds to be planted in their shade afterwards.

Forest maintenance

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Ensure weeds around the seedlings are removed, the soil is fertilized and pests are controlled so the new seedlings can grow.

Collect and nurture seeds

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Use seeds from existing trees to grow new ones, along with additional seeds that are purchased specifically.

Share your story

Photo of Weverton Rodrigues da Silva

Help to support biodiversity by sharing the story behind your forest and how others can get involved.

What are the benefits of the Zurich Forest Project?

Regrowing the old forest is also good for people in the area. It can help to improve quality of life. With that in mind, Instituto Terra has developed techniques it shares with people in the local communities, including rural farmers, students, those doing academic research, and government officials. These benefit from Instituto Terra’s work and what it has learned about regrowing woodland, protecting water sources and educating people about the importance of conservation and the environment. Instituto Terra has also become one of the city of Aimorés’ main employers. That helps the local economy.

The Zurich Forest project is an example of Zurich’s commitment to sustainability. We want to take a responsible and sustainable approach to everything we do. That includes mitigating climate impact. In 2019, Zurich signed up as the first insurer to the Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge aimed at limiting average global temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Call it our ‘1.5°C roadmap.’ It’s closely connected to our business. Just like the Zurich Forest project.

“ The time for environmental awareness and protection alone might be coming to an end. The planet, now more than ever, also needs bold restoration efforts such as the Zurich Forest Project! Much more than just a big number, a million trees represents a big step towards biodiversity and sets a worthy example to be followed. Not only will Instituto Terra and Zurich's stakeholders thrive from this partnership, but also generations to come.”

Sérgio Rangel

Executive Director of the Instituto Terra

Sérgio Rangel Quote
Zurich tree icon

Instituto Terra

Discover Instituto Terra, the non-profit organization that Lélia and Sebastião Salgado, founded in 1998.

Go to the Instituto Terra website


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