Plant the right trees in the right place, for the right reasons, giving nature space, too.
If we want to make a difference, we have to act now. In 2020, Zurich lent its support to a project in collaboration with Instituto Terra, a non-profit organization based in Brazil.
(video available in English only)
Getting to the roots of climate change, literally, is something Zurich is very keen on. Deforestation contributes to global warming, and threatens critically endangered plants and species with being lost forever. If we want to make a difference, we have to act now. In 2020, Zurich lent its support to a project in collaboration with Instituto Terra, a non-profit organization based in Brazil. Founded by Lélia and Sebastião Salgado in 1998, Instituto Terra aims to regrow part of the great Atlantic Forest that once dominated Brazil’s eastern coast. The Salgados started on a barren patch of land, a former cattle farm that Salgado inherited from his father. On it they established Instituto Terra, a non-profit organization dedicated to reawakening parts of the old forest in the Doce river valley region.
Since 2022, Zurich has used the Restor platform to present monitoring data about its Zurich Forest Project and other restoration sponsorships. For details on how Zurich uses Restor to map and monitor its restoration commitments, download the case study.
Regrowing trees is the first step to re-establish habitat that benefits both people in the area, by restoring water supplies, and plants and animals. 172 species of native birds (including six threatened with extinction), 33 types of mammals, and 297 different plants. After making a start in December 1999, Instituto Terra has managed to plant over 2.3 million native seedlings.
Zurich, through the Zurich Forest project, has established a grant that enables a further one million seedlings to be planted over eight years, in three different areas in the region. In total, 800,000 seedlings will be planted with another 200,000 seedlings replanted. These will cover 700 hectares (1,730 acres, or seven square kilometers). The restored forest will be fully self-sustaining and biodiverse, comprising 120 species of trees native to the region.
Regrowing the old forest is also good for people in the area. It can help to improve quality of life. With that in mind, Instituto Terra has developed techniques it shares with people in the local communities, including rural farmers, students, those doing academic research, and government officials. These benefit from Instituto Terra’s work and what it has learned about regrowing woodland, protecting water sources and educating people about the importance of conservation and the environment. Instituto Terra has also become one of the city of Aimorés’ main employers. That helps the local economy.
The Zurich Forest project is an example of Zurich’s commitment to sustainability. We want to take a responsible and sustainable approach to everything we do. That includes mitigating climate impact. In 2019, Zurich signed up as the first insurer to the Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge aimed at limiting average global temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Call it our ‘1.5°C roadmap.’ It’s closely connected to our business. Just like the Zurich Forest project.
“The time for environmental awareness and protection alone might be coming to an end. The planet, now more than ever, also needs bold restoration efforts such as the Zurich Forest Project! Much more than just a big number, a million trees represents a big step towards biodiversity and sets a worthy example to be followed. Not only will Instituto Terra and Zurich's stakeholders thrive from this partnership, but also generations to come.”
Discover Instituto Terra, the non-profit organization that Lélia and Sebastião Salgado, founded in 1998.