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Our Group's Code of Conduct
We care.

At Zurich, caring is one of our six values and a key element of what we stand for and how we conduct ourselves individually and as a business.

We care about doing the right thing because living by our values, making ethical decisions, and speaking up when we see something that does not seem right is crucial for us to maintain the trust of each other, our customers, investors, regulators and society.

We care about our colleagues because we know that we can only be successful if we work as a team, and that mutual respect is vital in order for each and every one of us to live up to our full potential.

We care about our customers because they are the reason we are in business. Putting their needs at the heart of what we do and providing them with protection for the things and people they value has been our mission since Zurich was founded in 1872.

We care about business integrity and ethical behavior because conducting all our business in a compliant and fair manner helps prevent criminal, illegal and unethical activities and preserves the transparency and integrity of the markets.

We care about our company because we are proud of Zurich’s heritage and brand, and understand that protecting our reputation and our assets is critical for our long-term success.

And, we care about our future and understand that we must always consider the consequences that today’s actions could have on tomorrow.

At Zurich, we care.

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