Pandemic Pro Bono

PeopleArticleNovember 5, 2020

In a year of crises, Zurich attorneys seek opportunities to provide free help

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COVID-19 is more than a health issue for those who find themselves in unexpected hard times because of the pandemic, but a volunteer effort is helping some who are facing eviction and other legal issues in Zurich North America’s home state.

In collaboration with Paladin, a company that provides a digital pro bono volunteering platform, Zurich’s attorneys are finding opportunities to help people across Illinois with matters such as evictions, foreclosures and unemployment assistance that have arisen during the pandemic.

They can find opportunities through legal services organizations such as Equip for Equality, which protects the civil and human rights of people with disabilities, and the Center for Disability and Elder Law, a pro bono Chicago law firm that helps low-income seniors and disabled persons.

The arrangement is an exciting opportunity “during a year in which public health, economic and social justice crises have converged,” says Brian Budzicz, Chair of Zurich North America’s Pro Bono Committee. The collaboration with Paladin reflects Zurich’s culture of employee support of communities through skills-based volunteering, he noted.

Through the collaboration, Paladin will alert Zurich attorneys to pro bono opportunities that match their interests and background. Paladin’s connection to the Chicago Bar Foundation’s digital guide to pro bono opportunities and Zurich’s own legal service projects will reveal more than 100 opportunities to provide services.

Zurich’s dedication to legal pro bono work is a reflection of its values and commitment to volunteerism and strong corporate citizenship,

says Kristen Sonday Paladin’s Co-Founder and COO