When a hurricane approaches: How to prepare your business for the storm

Natural hazardsArticleJune 8, 20222 min read

As a hurricane approaches, it’s not too late for businesses to take emergency steps

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We encourage all our customers with potential exposure to hurricanes, typhoons and other windstorms, to have a Windstorm Emergency Response Plan. It will help to reduce damage, restore operations and protect lives and you can download detailed advice from the document below.

If you do not have a plan, there are still actions you can take to minimize damage and losses. We have categorized these as ‘easy’ actions, which can be taken without great cost, and ‘tough’ actions that require more time and effort.

Based on an extreme storm’s predicted landfall at your location, take the ‘easy’ actions 48 hours before landfall, and the ‘tough’ actions 36 hours before landfall.

Infographic how to prepare your business for the storm

Infographic hurricane

Infographic hurricane

Emergency supply list

All businesses in hurricane zones should maintain a hurricane supply cabinet. Check now to see if any necessities need to be purchased or replenished.

Check in with vendors of any essential business supplies and materials. You may want to ask about the possibility of lining up spare equipment. Those touch points beforehand can speed access to priority service after the storm passes, when demand for all resources will surge.

icon emergency light

Emergency lighting

icon lumbar nails

Lumber and nails/screws

icon tape for windows

Tape for windows

icon sandbags


icon roofing

Roofing cement, sealant and other repair materials

icon waterproof

Waterproof materials (e.g. tarps) 

icon caulk


icon ducttape

Duct tape

icon emergency repairs

Power and manual tools

icon shovel

Shovels and axes

icon chainsaw fuel

Chainsaws and fuel

icon food water

Nonperishable food and drinking water

icon satellite phone

Satellite phones (as land telephone lines and cellphone service may be interrupted)

icon cellphone batteries

Cellphone with charged spare batteries

icon two way radio

Two-way radios with charged spare batteries

icon flashlight

Flashlights with spare batteries

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