Shaping a brighter world of work: The European outlook

Future of workReportOctober 5, 20202 min read

The consequences of COVID-19 for Europe and beyond are manifold. This overview discusses challenges in managing the pandemic in the workplace and the opportunities of how nation-states, the EU, and the global community can future proof social protection.

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Europe had not been caught up in a large-scale pandemic like COVID-19 in over a hundred years. It is a testament to Europe, its institutions, and its member states that, notwithstanding a relatively slow response to early signs of its emerging significance, the current pandemic has been contained if not yet eradicated. Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, there was widespread consensus that a new social contract between workers, governments, and employers was urgently needed. Since there is general consensus that another pandemic is likely to unfortunately occur once again within our lifetimes, we are optimistic to think we will be more prepared as it will be imperative that this new social contract be resilient to future shocks.

The consequences of COVID-19 for Europe and beyond are manifold. In this briefing document, we will touch on some of the challenges and costs associated with managing the pandemic in the workplace – whether centralized or remote. We stress the diverse experiences of member states while also highlighting commonalities that have made the pandemic such a global phenomenon. We also recognize the opportunities afforded by the pandemic to look once again at how nation-states, the EU, and the global community can invest in social institutions and partnerships that will be resilient in the future.