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Data Privacy & Protection

At Zurich, Data Privacy and Protection consists of three parts: our Data & Responsible AI Commitment (this page); Data privacy; and Information security.

What We Stand For: Our Five Pledges

Zurich has five simple, direct pledges that make up our Data and Responsible AI Commitment, which governs how we use and protect our customers’ data and maintain their trust.

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1. We keep your data safe

At Zurich, we keep our customers’ data safe through a multilayered security approach that includes encryption, regular security audits, employee training and managed access controls. We continuously monitor for threats and operate in line with relevant regulations.

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2. We never sell your personal data ​
We don’t sell, rent out or provide our customers’ data to third parties without consent or beyond the services we agreed to deliver. We use personal data to help improve our products and services and to enhance the customer experience.

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3. We are transparent about how we share your personal data

In providing our services, we are transparent about how we process customers' personal data, and we have contracts in place that limit how third parties can process it. We delete personal data in accordance with the defined retention period unless required differently by law.

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4. We use data to produce better outcomes for you​

We leverage data to improve our customers’ experience, for example, using data insights to enable Zurich to provide innovative services that help reduce risks or improve the level of protection. These include services for smart home, mobility, health and well-being, as well as travel insurance.

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5. We use AI responsibly

We believe that AI enhances our customers’ journey by providing better services and experiences. Our approach to a safe, responsible and customer-centric use of AI technologies is based on the following guiding principles:

  • Safety: Our use of AI is governed by our risk management framework including data privacy and protection, and taking into consideration industry best practices. We operate AI models and its data in safe and protected environments.
  • Transparency: We disclose to our customers when they are interacting with AI, with clear labels or disclaimers, and can explain AI outcomes.
  • Accountability: In line with our Code of Conduct, we are committed to acting with integrity and doing the right thing, including appropriate Customer Facing Conduct and responsible use of AI.
  • Reliability: Our use of AI is subject to human oversight that identifies and mitigates potential risks, including the prevention of harmful biases.

"Our Data and Responsible AI Commitment is designed to ensure that we will continue to keep your data secure and only use it in a trustworthy, transparent manner. We use data and AI to help provide better products and services for our customers. Technology progresses, our values remain the same."

Ericson Chan

Group Chief Information and Digital Officer

Ericson Chan

How we make it happen

We apply high-standard security controls and are transparent about how we use AI with our customers.