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Investor relations

List of financial strength and issuer credit ratings

Zurich Insurance Group maintains an interactive rating relationship with Standard & Poor's (S&P), Moody's and A.M. Best. The table below lists the current financial strength ratings of some key subsidiaries.

Bonds information

An overview of Zurich’s debt ratings can be found in our bond section.
More about our bonds

Zurich Insurance Company Ltd Zurich American Insurance Company Zurich Insurance Europe AG
S&P Financial Strength Rating AA/stable AA/stable AA/stable
Moody's Financial Strength Rating Aa2/stable - -
AM Best Financial Strength Rating1 A+(Superior)/stable A+(Superior)/stable -
  Issuer Credit Rating1 aa/stable aa/stable -

1 AM Best differentiates between the Issuer Credit Rating and the less granular Financial Strength Rating in their proprietary methodology

Rating definitions

Brief overview of the range of credit ratings used by major rating agencies.

Standard & Poor's
AAA extremely strong
AA very strong
A strong
BBB good
Aaa exceptional
Aa excellent
A good
Baa adequate
A.M. Best
Financial Strength Rating Issuer Credit Rating
A++, A+ superior aa+, aa, aa-
A, A- excellent a+, a, a-
B++, B+ good bb+, bb, bb-


For further information please contact the Rating Agency Manager:

Michèle Matlock
Rating Agency Manager
Phone: +41 (0)44 625 28 50