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Topical Thoughts

Investigative research on specific issues that affect the business environment, with expert thoughts and opinions provided on an ad hoc basis.

A New Republic?

You’d be forgiven for not knowing many of France’s prime ministers. The nation’s political system has in recent history put much more emphasis on a hyper-powerful president, who directs policy to a friendly and aligned National Assembly. This is an oversimplification, but nevertheless a useful practical understanding. It also no longer applies. President Macron’s decision to call a snap election has led to an extremely divided lower house. Any policy agenda, including a much-needed budget, will require negotiations spanning different ideologies. We ultimately think that the French political system, the economy, and financial markets, will cope with the new reality. But the necessary move to a political culture of compromise will see volatility, and the 2027 Presidential election looms large.

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President Macron surprised everyone, including his own party, when he called a snap legislative election. The National Assembly is divided, and the situation is highly uncertain. Yet, a solution can be found. The public deficit is a concern, but there is underlying economic strength.


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