two business people talking about graphs

Financial Institutions Professional Indemnity

Specialist Professional Liability solutions for your financial services institution

Financial services businesses operate in an increasingly litigious, highly regulated, and heavily scrutinized environment, leaving them vulnerable to countless professional liability risks.

Backed by decades of experience, we help businesses to protect their institutions, directors and employees against alleged wrongful acts in the performance of, or failure to perform, professional services for customers around the world.


We will support you with proprietary market leading coverage solutions, embedding:

Enhanced coverage

with updated language and provisions to address emerging risks and exposures.

Simplified and globally consistent policy language

adapted to reflect local single law requirements and legal exposures.

Improved contract certainty

and coverage applicability (i.e. affirmative cyber).

Dedicated professional teams

in underwriting, claims handling, captive and capital optimization, risk management and compliance.

A global network

that provides specific global services and solutions for financial institutions.

Our professional liability solutions protect the parent company and all its subsidiaries and investment entities or funds, including those created or acquired during the policy period, as well as third parties involved in providing the insured financial services for which the institution is vicariously liable.

financial results

Coverage extensions

  • Awarded damages and liability
  • Agreed out-of-court settlements
  • Defense costs
  • Professional investigations and representation costs
  • Mitigation costs
  • Pre-claims and emergency costs
  • Additional protection for individual insured persons
  • Additional protection for the estates, heirs and legal representatives of the insured persons

Who we work with

office buildings seen from below
  • Banks and building societies
  • Insurance and reinsurance companies and brokers
  • Assets and fund managers
  • Investment funds including hedge funds
  • Private equity and venture capital firms
  • FinTech firms
  • Other financial institutions like stockbrokers, clearing houses, exchange platforms and services

Our professional liability insurance is often combined and blended in a single insurance solution with other financial lines covers like professional liability, directors’ and officers’ liability, employment practices liability, pension trust or fiduciary liability or cyber.

Our team in numbers

Broad captives’ services and solutions, for best optimization of capital with risk transfer

Contact us

Should you have any questions or need further information please reach out to your local Zurich contact or your broker.

woman working on laptop

Find products and services in your location

  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • France
  • Canada
  • Italy
  • Find contact information
  • Find products
  • Make a claim
  • Learn about careers
  • Get a quote
  • Find an agent

Policy language and conditions may vary and are subject to applicable regulatory and legal requirements
Policy conditions apply and this is not a part of your or any issued insurance contract