Our positive and customer-focused claims philosophy
At Zurich we will support you before, during and after a claim with an approach that is fair, customer-centric, transparent and personal.
We pay claims
We actively seek to pay claims quickly and always have the best outcomes for your business in mind.
Paying Claims for 150 years
We are customer-centric
We will work closely with you and your broker and develop a strong understanding of your business. We strive to act according to your business needs.
20 years of an unparalleled, acknowledged and industry leading Customer Relationship Model

We are fair
We will act fairly, using our knowledge, skills and experience to do the right thing for you based on your individual needs and circumstances.
We ensure personal contact
We will stay in close contact with you before, during and after a claim, and will respond quickly and smartly by getting the best qualified people on the ground to help.

We are transparent
We strive to be easy to deal with, and will communicate with you and your broker openly, clearly and personally every step of the way.
Contact us
Should you have any questions or need further information please reach out to your local Zurich contact or your broker.

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Products and services vary by country
Because the needs of our customers are different, our products and services also vary around the world. Insurance and financial products and services are provided by licensed members of the Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich). Not all products or services listed are available in all jurisdictions or to all customers. Please contact your local Zurich office for details about the relevant products and services in your country. No warranties or guarantees are being made by Zurich based on statements on this website.