nurse helping a patient

Accident & Health

Because people matter: our support and services in accident, health, travel and wellbeing

Zurich is one of the world’s largest providers of Accident, Health and Business Travel insurance, covering millions of people and travellers every year.

Through our innovation and collaboration with partners and intermediaries, we are constantly introducing new ways to help you stay protected.

Why choose Zurich for Accident & Health insurance?

From accident and health insurance to travel insurance you can rely on us for the best possible levels of coverage and service. We offer a range of options for travellers and employees:

Medical care and services:

including assistance in your home country as well as internationally


travel and security management and support, including evacuation from high-risk zones


assistance and financial support if a trip is cancelled or rearranged, as well as cover for loss of your personal property

Income support:

following any prolonged period away from work due to sickness or an accident


including rehabilitation, retraining and counselling

Financial support:

helping you overcome the financial challenges following an accident or sickness, or mitigating a financial burden after loss of life

woman talking on the phone
Learn more about our Accident & Health offering

Zurich Business Travel Solution

Zurich Business Travel Solution can help you fulfil your duty of care to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of your employees while traveling for business.

Learn more

Contact us

Should you have any questions or need further information please reach out to your local Zurich contact or your broker.

woman working on laptop

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Policy language and conditions may vary and are subject to applicable regulatory and legal requirements.
Policy conditions apply and this is not a part of your or any issued insurance contract.