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Our view on
Economics & Markets

Macroeconomics and movements in financial markets impact many aspects of our lives. Having a well-informed view of what could transpire can help mitigate the risks we face and uncover profitable opportunities.

Our most recent publications

June 24, 2024
Weekly Macro & Markets View, Week 26

  • UK headline inflation falls back to the BoE’s target of 2%
    While the recent trend is reassuring, core and particularly service inflation remain too high.
  • The Swiss National Bank delivers a second rate cut while lowering the inflation forecast, with inflation now seen at 1% in 2026
    The strong franc and a broadening out of disinflationary pressures motivated further policy loosening, and the SNB has left the door open for further easing.
  • US services activity is holding up while growth in manufacturing remains modest
    While most of the economic data were on the softer side, the Composite PMI stood at 54.6 in June, indicating solid growth.

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June 20, 2024
Inflation Focus Q2

  • Inflation targets are within reach and key central banks have started to cut rates
  • Progress on inflation is insufficient, however, with services inflation remaining elevated
  • Goods inflation has already fallen sharply, and a futher steep decline is not expected
  • Policy loosening reduces growth risk, but it remains critical that the focus on inflation is maintained

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June 04, 2024
Monthly Investment Insights

Key developments

  • The global manufacturing recovery broadens out and services activity remains robust
  • Stocks rebound on a solid earnings season, but volatility increases following weak US Treasuries auctions
  • Credit lags stocks as tight spreads limit upside despite strong demand in primary markets

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Weekly Macro & Markets View

Designed to give clear interpretation of the previous week’s macroeconomic and financial market developments. This publication represents how Zurich sees the financial landscape evolving on a week-by-week basis.

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Monthly Investment Insights

Structured to give a succinct view of the investment outlook and economic prospects for the coming months. Focus is on key developments from an investment perspective, with a tactical view presented on the major asset classes of equities, credit and government bonds.

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Inflation Focus

A quarterly publication, conveying the most likely outlook for inflation over the subsequent 12-24 months. Global and regional views are provided, detailing the driving forces behind the outlook. Point forecasts are offered for the major coverage areas, with short-term moves and pressures also identified.

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Topical Thoughts

Investigative research on specific issues that affect the business environment, with expert thoughts and opinions provided on an ad hoc basis.

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Economic and Market Outlook

With a 12 months focus, this publication is designed as a reference document for multiple user groups. It is segmented by region and provides in-depth coverage of both economic and financial market fundamentals, as well as the underlying trends that are observed.

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Mid-Year Outlook

An update on the Economic & Market Outlook is provided, gauging developments and projecting how the months ahead are likely to unfold.

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Videos and Podcasts

To compliment some publications, a series of short videos and, in the case of Topical Thoughts and the Economic and Market Outlook, more detailed podcasts are available.

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