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Recommendations for public private partnership against cyber crime

Cybercrime is now an ever-present element of society and cybersecurity is now a major concern for all business leaders. It’s imperative a foundation be built for public-private cooperation for fighting cybercrime.

The World Economic Forum has worked together with experts from various sectors - including from Zurich Insurance Group - to prepare recommendations forming the foundation on which public-private cooperation for fighting cybercrime can be built. They represent the first step in a process whereby alliances can be created, giving rise to common initiatives and measures that enable better detection, prevention and more efficient combating of all forms of cybercrime on a national, regional and global level. They aim to provide the much-needed platform for future cooperation in this space.

In recognition of the importance of cybercrime and its impacts on both public security and business, Zurich Insurance Group confirms its support of the World Economic Forum’s efforts in this field and commends the Forum’s “Recommendations for Public-Private Partnership against Cybercrime” as a positive step in garnering attention and creating the impetus for global public-private collaboration in the fight against cybercrime.

Disclaimer: Views expressed on this page and in the reports are not necessarily those of the Zurich Insurance Group, which accepts no responsibility for them.


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