What inflation and rising prices mean for property damage insurance

Although inflation is generally falling, it is still having an effect on a number of industry sectors. So how much of an impact is it having on property and insurance? At Zurich, we have researched the figures to give you an insight into the current situation.

The general picture

Inflation is finally falling, as we are seeing lower prices for energy, goods and food. However, it may not be falling as fast as governments would like, as the costs of services are still rising at a rapid pace. The general picture reflects imbalances in the economy, where manufacturing and construction are under pressure while the services sector has been doing well, boosted by consumers’ desire to spend on leisure and travel following the pandemic and lock-down. While governments are seeing weaker inflation as good news, the level of inflation is still too high.

Annual inflation rate

Country Inflation Rate Source
US 3.2% as at July 2023 U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics
UK 6.4% as at July 2023 Office for National Statistics
Eurozone 5.3% as at July 2023 Eurostat
Germany 6.2% as at July 2023 DESTATIS, Statistisches Bundesamt
Switzerland 1.6% as at July 2023 Federal Statistical Office

Central banks have continued to focus on inflation, despite other challenges and concerns, and will take a more aggressive stance if inflation continues. We may see a pause in rate hikes in some regions, as central banks will take stock to monitor the effects of earlier rises.

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