woman and man shaking hands

Zurich Captives

Together, we can build resilience through strong Captive solutions

Today, more and more companies are exploring the many benefits of including both non-life and life risks in their captive programs. As an industry leader in captives, Zurich draws on more than 35 years of experience helping our customers realize the benefits of captives. Our solutions encompass life, non-life and consolidated captives.

What is a captive?

A captive is a subsidiary set up by its parent company and acts as a direct insurer or reinsurer for that company. The primary purpose of a captive is to reduce the total cost of risk and to enable a company to take better informed risk-taking decisions. There are two major types of captives: single parent and group.

Business persons shaking hands on a meeting

Spotlight on Captives 2024

Captives have become a key solution in managing difficult to insure risks and provide flexibility and resilience in unstable times. The latest Commercial Risk report Spotlight on Captives 2024 - Managing an uncertain global risk landscape highlights how captives, a long-established risk management tool, support organizations in navigating emerging and future challenges by offering tailored risk management strategies. Experts from Zurich, along with risk managers, consultants, captive owners, brokers and others discuss the creative ways captives are being used to address such varied risks and opportunities as climate change, cyber risk, microinsurance, employee benefits and more.

Find out more

We predict a continued expansion in both the usage of captives and the establishment of new domiciles

Adriana Scherzinger

Head of Captives, Zurich Commercial Insurance, Zurich Insurance Company

Adriana Scherzinger

What are the benefits of a captive and how can we support you?

With over 620 captive fronting programs, we have the expertise, global setup and processes to help you implement solid captive solutions across borders. As an experienced captive insurance provider, we offer a range of global solutions and network capabilities to help you establish and manage your captives, regardless of whether it is a single-parent, group, agency, cell or program captive.

Cost control

By creating a single, holistic platform for risk management, captives can improve cash flow management and investment returns and offer cost savings. They are a well-established tool to reduce an organization’s total cost of risk.

Better decisions

Captives provide claims insights and transparency. With a consistent overview of exposures and risk information, you can make better informed strategic risk management decisions and optimize the structure of your insurance programs. Our Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) will help you find the optimal levels of risk retention and risk transfer.

Broader knowledge

A captive can help you increase awareness and understanding of your risks, in particular regarding governance and compliance issues around the globe. Our unique captive fronting solutions follow the latest developments and best practice, and we provide reliable captive fronting solutions with a strong focus on international compliance.


Consolidating risks into a captive can answer regulatory demands for granularity and transparency of information. With our state-of-the-art global IT infrastructure, we are very well-positioned to provide you with the necessary policy, premium and claims information across your captive programs.

Awards & Recognitions

We strive for excellence in serving our customers and are honored when our efforts are recognized.


Captive Review Power 50 –
Captive Leadership
Captive Review US Awards –
Captive Fronting Partner
Captive Review Europe Awards –
Captive Fronting Partner
Captive International US Awards –
Fronting Partner and
Fronting Individual of the Year


Captive Review Power 50 –
Captive Leadership
Captive Review US Awards –
Captive Collaboration Project
Captive Review Europe Awards –
Insurtech Solutions for Captives and
Employee Benefits Network
Business Insurance Innovation Awards –
Impact Re Ltd. Sustainability Captive


Captive Review Power 50 –
Captive Leadership
Captive Review US Awards –
Captive Fronting Partner
Captive Review Europe Awards –
Next Gen Initiative

woman laughing

Commercial Insurance Risk Insights

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Learn more about Captives on our Captive Guide.

Contact us

Should you have any questions or need further information please reach out to your local Zurich contact or your broker.

Young Man smiling

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