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Zurich Prime

International Property Damage and Business Interruption Policy

Here to provide consistent protection for your property, no matter where it is across the globe, Zurich Prime International Property Damage and Business Interruption Policy is our worldwide standard wording for your international program coverage.


Zurich Prime for peace of mind

Naturally, as an internationally operating company across multiple countries and jurisdictions, you require a consistent approach in protecting your property risks globally; Zurich Prime is the policy for your needs.

Zurich Prime covers all risks property and business interruption

Optional perils

Earthquake/Earth movement

Volcanic eruptions

Machinery breakdown

Storm/ Named storm


Extensions and Endorsements

You can select from 30 standard extensions and about 50 standard endorsements.


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Transparency and Consistency

The same coverage for you everywhere

Recognising it is key to respect local regulatory and mandatory provisions, Zurich Prime provides the same consistent coverage to protect your property across all countries.

A consistent overview of what is covered

Maintaining focus on your needs as a customer, increased transparency and efficiency at all levels provides the consistent overview you need of what is covered across your policies.

Less policy complexity, despite the environment

No matter how complex the environment in which you operate, our approach brings clarity about what is covered under local policies in different countries to reduce program complexity.


More than
as a master policy wording
as a local policy wording
across the globe

Contact us

Should you have any questions or need further information please reach out to your local Zurich contact or your broker.

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Products and services vary by country
Because the needs of our customers are different, our products and services also vary around the world. Insurance and financial products and services are provided by licensed members of the Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich). Not all products or services listed are available in all jurisdictions or to all customers. Please contact your local Zurich office for details about the relevant products and services in your country. No warranties or guarantees are being made by Zurich based on statements on this website.